Thibaut Dupre's Avatar

Hi! I'm Thibaut, a multi-device, multi-business Lead UX Designer

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Over 15 years of experience over a very large span of devices and technologies. I like to build meaningful products with a lot of added value for users.

Bullet points bonanza

  • 🧐 Good analytical skills on complex problems
  • 👩🏼‍🔧👨🏽‍🔬👨🏻‍🏫👮🏼‍♀️ Used to discuss about businesses with pros
  • 🤓 Problem solver and design doer
  • ✍🏻 Design workshops leader on paper/whiteboard
  • 🎓 Like to share knowledge, mentor and reads blogs
  • 👨‍🚀 I like to ship, and to ship often 🚀


What I worked on over the years

2006 2021

In these industries

Transport industry icon


Cloud computing industry icon

Cloud computing

Television industry icon


GIS industry icon


Node graphs industry icon

Node graphs

Big Data industry icon

Big Data

Cybersecurity industry icon


Governments industry icon


Energy industry icon


Data publishing industry icon

Data publishing

Video 3D AR industry icon

Video 3D AR

eCommerce industry icon


On those devices and OS

Software device icon


Web device icon


Proprietary Tablets device icon

Proprietary Tablets

Android device icon


iOS device icon


Television device icon



Design process overview

Research process item icon


Through stakeholders meetings, users shadowing and interviews, I gather information to design with a purpose

Design process item icon


Using a whiteboard or a paperboard, I wireframe the big picture before ironing out anything

Wireframing process item icon


I design purposeful interactions and interfaces that help the user accomplish their tasks

Prototyping process item icon


Prototyping can be either HTML or paper, the goal is to gather feedback from everyone: team, stakeholders etc.

User testing process item icon

User testing

Trial by fire: the prototype is tested by users either in a lab with talk aloud or in a beta setup with feedback

Repeat process item icon


Based on the user insights, I iterate on the design to improve the product user experience, time for a retest!


Some companies I worked with

Air France - KLM company logo
Thales company logo
PrestaShop company logo
Molotov company logo
OpenDataSoft company logo
Schneider Electric company logo
Airbus company logo
Rio Tinto Alcan company logo
EDF company logo
NATO company logo
ENEDIS company logo
SANOFI company logo
Total company logo
RATP company logo
Orange company logo

My Portfolio

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